APC Trade-UPS is a 1-phase UPS program that offers new and existing customers the ability to trade in older battery backup units for the most up-to-date 1-phase power protection models at discounted prices.
More about the program Program rulesNetShelter
Afghanistan , Antigua & Barbuda , Anguilla , Albania , Armenia , Netherlands Antilles , Angola , Azerbaijan , Bosnia & Herzegovina , Barbados , Burkina Faso , Bahrain , Burundi , Benin , Bermuda , Bolivia , Bahamas , Botswana , Belarus , Belize , Canada , Congo - Kinshasa , Côte d’Ivoire , Cameroon , Costa Rica , Cyprus , Djibouti , Dominica , Dominican Republic , Ecuador , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Fiji , Gabon , Grenada , Georgia , French Guiana , Ghana , Gambia , Guadeloupe , Guatemala , Guyana , Honduras , Haiti , Iraq , Iceland , Jamaica , Jordan , Kenya , Cambodia , St. Kitts & Nevis , Kuwait , Cayman Islands , Lebanon , St. Lucia , Liberia , Luxembourg , Madagascar , Mali , Myanmar (Burma) , Mongolia , Martinique , Mauritania , Malta , Mauritius , Malawi , Mexico , Mozambique , Namibia , Nicaragua , Netherlands , Oman , Panama , Pakistan , Puerto Rico , Paraguay , Réunion , Rwanda , Sierra Leone , Senegal , Somalia , Suriname , El Salvador , Turks & Caicos Islands , Togo , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Trinidad & Tobago , Tanzania , Uganda , United States , Uruguay , Uzbekistan , St. Vincent & Grenadines , Venezuela , U.S. Virgin Islands , Yemen , Mayotte , Zambia , Zimbabwe
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