APC Trade-UPS is a 1-phase UPS program that offers new and existing customers the ability to trade in older battery backup units for the most up-to-date 1-phase power protection models at discounted prices.
More about the program Program rulesAP8958 Switched Rack PDU Firmware Revision with Energywise Integration
AP8958 Switched Rack PDU Firmware Revision with Energywise Integration
Firmware Upgrades for all supported APC offers, bringing the latest supported features to end users.
Afghanistan , Antigua & Barbuda , Anguilla , Albania , Armenia , Netherlands Antilles , Angola , Azerbaijan , Bosnia & Herzegovina , Barbados , Burkina Faso , Bahrain , Burundi , Benin , Bermuda , Bolivia , Bahamas , Botswana , Belarus , Belize , Congo - Kinshasa , Côte d’Ivoire , Cameroon , Cyprus , Djibouti , Dominica , Dominican Republic , Ecuador , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Fiji , Gabon , Grenada , Georgia , French Guiana , Ghana , Gambia , Guadeloupe , Guatemala , Guyana , Honduras , Haiti , Iraq , Iceland , Jamaica , Jordan , Kenya , Cambodia , St. Kitts & Nevis , Kuwait , Cayman Islands , Lebanon , St. Lucia , Liberia , Luxembourg , Madagascar , Mali , Myanmar (Burma) , Mongolia , Martinique , Mauritania , Malta , Mauritius , Malawi , Mozambique , Namibia , Nicaragua , Oman , Panama , Pakistan , Puerto Rico , Paraguay , Réunion , Rwanda , Sierra Leone , Senegal , Somalia , Suriname , El Salvador , Turks & Caicos Islands , Togo , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Trinidad & Tobago , Tanzania , Uganda , Uruguay , Uzbekistan , St. Vincent & Grenadines , Venezuela , U.S. Virgin Islands , Yemen , Mayotte , Zambia , Zimbabwe
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