
Welcome to Trade-UPS

APC Trade-UPS is a 1-phase UPS program that offers new and existing customers the ability to trade in older battery backup units for the most up-to-date 1-phase power protection models at discounted prices.

More about the program Program rules
Trade-in UPS summary
Number of trade-ins:0
Trade-in VA total:0 VA
New trade-UPS VA range
Trade-UPS target VA range
0 VA 0 VA
min. max.
New UPS summary
Number of new UPS(s):0
New UPS VA total:0 VA

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Bypass Panels

Power and battery modules for Symmetra are available to scale power or run time or increase availability. Other Symmetra accessories include various backplate PDU options, external standard and switched PDU options, management devices, and service products. Symmetra battery solutions include cabinets for extending run time in modular, scalable frames as well as non-scalable cost effective battery solutions. These accessories can customize your solution to increase availability, adaptability, serviceability, manageability and performance.
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