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Which spare parts can I purchase for my APC Smart UPS?

Which spare parts can I purchase for my APC 1PH Smart UPS?

A 1PH Smart-UPS has a missing and/or damaged spare part and needs to be replaced and/or purchased.

Product Line:
1PH Line Interactive Smart-UPS, 1PH Smart-UPS Online


There are spare parts that can be purchased or be replaced for Line interactive and Online APC by Schneider Electric UPS units. These can be in the form of  mounting rails, mounting brackets/ears, front bezels, display bezels, etc. APC by Schneider Electric has a wide variety of spares that may help remedy if a part is missing and/or damaged. These parts can either be purchased direct from APC by Schneider Electric, purchased from a reseller and/or, replaced by our technical support team if the unit is in warranty.

Examples of these are shown below : (Actual parts may look different or vary in sizes depending on the model)

Bezel example of a Legacy APC UPS ModelBezel example of a Legacy APC UPS ModelBezel example of a Current APC UPS Model

APC Smart UPS Mounting RailsAPC Smart UPS Mounting bracket/ears

If you are missing rail kits or ears for an APC by Schneider Electric Smart UPS, it is recommended we check if there are options at the APC by Schneider Electric website

There are some instances that we can use a generic mounting kit on select units. An example would be an SMT2200RM2UC. We can consider purchasing an AP9625  2 Post Rail Kit. Other units may have options if you drill in the website.

If there are screens bezels that are damaged on legacy units that begins with SUA and/or SURT (i.e.SUA750RM1U, SURT8000RMXLT6U), most of these can be possibly replaced. However,  if it is from the newer generation of units that begins with SMT, SMX, SRT, SMTL, SRTG, SRTL, (i.e. SRT1500XLA, SRT5KRMXLT, SMT1500RM2UC, SMTL1500RM3UC, SRTL3KRM1UC), these are not replaceable and a new UPS must be considered.

Sample displays of new Smart UPS units are shown below.

APC Smart UPS Modern Screens

Sample display of legacy Smart UPS units are shown below. Notice that the older Smart UPS screens are without any digital displays. However, please note this is in a case to case basis.

APC Smart UPS Legacy Display

Should there be any other questions and/or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-800-4272 or our chat with our technical support group atAPC by Schneider Electric Customer Technical Support

APC Switzerland (French)

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