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Network Management Card 3 - CDC-USB driver on Windows

When using Windows 7 and connecting a NMC3 device via USB for configuration, CDC-USB drivers might need to be updated on initial use.

Network Management Card 3 (AP9640, AP9641)

Windows 7 operating systems connected to NMC via the USB serial console cable


Windows 7:
1.    Connect USB
2.    A device called “NMC3-CDC” is discovered in “Other Devices”
3.    User must choose to update their device driver and manually select the path to the .inf file
4.    User accepts unsigned driver security message
5.    Windows associates the device with the usbser.sys driver and assigns a COM port

Windows 10:
Windows 10 automatically makes the driver association and needs no manual intervention from the user.

1.    Connect USB
2.    A device called “NMC3-CDC” is discovered
3.    Windows associates the device with the usbser.sys driver and assigns a COM port

If a signed driver is required (such as for Windows Server 2012), please download the signed CDC driver attached to the bottom of this article.

APC Switzerland


usb_cdc_ser.zipusb_cdc_ser.zip [971 Bytes]
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