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PowerChute – Simple Signaling with Interface Expander 2 card shutdown delay

There is a delay in shutting down clients in a Simple Signaling configuration with an Interface Expander 2 card.

PowerChute Business Edition v9.5 and above
PowerChute Serial Shutdown

Simple Signaling with Interface Expander 2 card (AP9624)

After the UPS and Interface Expander 2 card issue a shutdown command for the Primary server and simple clients, a turn-off command is also issued to turn off the UPS. To ensure graceful shutdown of all clients, the delay of this turn-off command is forced to be equal to the values set for “Time for the operating system to shut down” and “At runtime limit” in the Shutdown Settings screen of the Primary server.

However, for Type B UPS devices, an additional delay is added to the “At runtime limit” value for any time setting greater or equal to 10 minutes. See the table below for the different time delays:

User-Specified Delay (At runtime limit)Interface Expander 2 Time Delay
2 minutesNo additional delay (2 minutes in total)
5 minutesNo additional delay (5 minutes in total)
7 minutesNo additional delay (7 minutes in total)
10 minutes6 minutes (16 minutes in total)
12 minutes6 minutes (18 minutes in total)
15 minutes6 minutes (21 minutes in total)
18 minutes6 minutes (24 minutes in total)
20 minutes12 minutes (32 minutes in total)

NOTE: This issue is specific to Type B UPS devices only. Visit PowerChute support with USB or Serial communication - Supported UPS Models on the APC website to learn more about UPS model types.

APC Canada (French)

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