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Data Center Expert | Performing an SNMPwalk

Instructions for performing a walk file for StruxureWare Data Center Expert DDF files or if requested by technical support.

Product Line
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (DCE)
- Basic Appliance (AP9465)
- Standard Appliance (AP9470)
- Enterprise Appliance (AP9475)
- Virtual Appliance (AP94VMACT)
StruxureWare Central (SWC)
InfraStruXure Central (ISXC)

ISXC, SWC, & DCE (all versions)
Device Definition File (DDF) creation


If your Data Center Expert (DCE) appliance is running version 7.6.0 or greater, an SNMPwalk can be done from the web interface.  Instructions can be found in the following Help Center article:

APC Canada (French)

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Data Center Expert
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Gamme :
Data Center Expert